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US Olympics doctor jailed 175yrs

US Olympics doctor jailed 175yrs

Ex-US Olympic gymnastics team doctor Larry Nassar has been sentenced to 40 to 175 years following testimony from over 150 women who accuse him of abuse.

“I will carry your words with me for the rest of my days,” Nassar turned and told his victims in the courtroom.

Nassar, 54, pleaded guilty to multiple counts of sexual assault against girls and young women, including Olympians.

Judge Rosemarie Aqualina told Nassar during the sentencing he will “be in darkness the rest of his life”.

“As much as it was my honour and privilege to hear the sister survivors, it was my honour and privilege to sentence you. Because, sir, you do not deserve to walk outside of a prison ever again,” she said.

She added that she would not send her dogs to the former sports doctor, adding: “I’ve just signed your death warrant”.

Following seven days of emotional testimony from Nassar’s alleged victims, he was given an opportunity to address his accusers in court.

“What I am feeling pales in comparison to the pain, trauma, and emotional destruction that all of you are feeling,” he told the packed courtroom.

“There are no words to describe the depth and breadth of how sorry I am for what has occurred,” he added.

Throughout his sentencing hearing, Nassar often concealed his face, as one after another, women stepped forward to describe his actions.

Source: BBC

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Emmanuel is CEO of Weblife Enterprise a Senior Database developer, Web master, a Graphic designer, Project Manager and devoted Christian.

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